Tyler and I spent the morning at Benxi National Water Caves! We were in awe of the beauty, and cold that these caves had to offer us. Also, the cave was quite cold! It provided great air conditioning for the morning. We both closed our eyes at one point and felt that we were in a Boone winter. To stay warm, each person is given a ridiculous sleeping bag type long jacket (several of the pictures show Tyler and I in them). The caves grandeur and gorgeous stalactites and stalagmites had us in partial silence for the ride through. Yes, ride! To view the cave you ride through on a boat, which made it even more exciting! Tyler and I joked that we were on a Disney World ride haha. Always comparing stuff to things in the States.  Surprisingly, China has done a great job of keeping the cave in great condition. It was clean and had some dramatic lighting going on. Even though it was expensive for China (180 Quai) we decided that it was definitely worth it!

Upon the entrance to the cave, we had to walk through this dry area and it was quite strange. They had dinosaur sculptures as well as cavemen and other animals. We were both perplexed by this addition to the cave. But we were reassured when we were welcomed to the boat entrance by a lovely sign that read: Enterance of Visitor. Lol we both had a good laugh at that translation!

Once we got back to Shenyang we headed to our trusty stomping ground for some Subway and Starbucks. We really enjoyed our American fare with some cold cold cold soda! Tyler joked that we need to find somewhere else to eat, and  then we both laughed because it is an unspoken rule that we need our Western fix through Subway at least once a week! Sadly to say, I gave in today and had some cheesecake at Starbucks. But it was totally worth the 22 Quai (a little over $3 USD) and it was scrumptious!

After our time at Starbucks I headed home for some dinner, scrambled eggs with onion which was an interesting combination. I can say now that I do not like onions like that, nor should they be served in such a large quantity as they were tonight (my Dad would totally agree, he is a hater of onions). Of course I finished off my day with a little workout! Another sad story to add to the day, Pinterest is not working anymore, I think I may die (now I actually "have" time to study for the GMAT, damn)! WHAT WILL I DO???????????